Jon Pear (a.k.a. NeuroAster)'s home timeline


  1. I'm not even sure some of these changes are "problems" and not more like "just an obvious place to maybe recast for a start," really?

    Tuesday, 30-Jun-20 03:38:19 UTC from web
  2. was about to joke about how like 50% of Always Sunny will get thanos'd but i googled it and how are netflix only removing a single episode lmaoo

    Monday, 29-Jun-20 23:18:47 UTC from web
  3. I know that they're pulling an episode of Community for implied blackface, and without even reading into it I know the exact scene they're talking about and I sincerely do not believe that a single person with any stake in societal progression watched that scene and thought it was actually a problem

    Monday, 29-Jun-20 10:45:08 UTC from web
    • @tiff Similarly, I’m pretty sure pulling an episode of Golden Girls is not especially high on BlackLivesMatters’ priority list.

      Monday, 29-Jun-20 19:25:25 UTC in context
    • @mrmattimation I dunno how far exactly I'd go to defend these sorts of jokes but pretty much every example I can think of is pretty obviously a subversive criticism *of* blackface. Obviously I am not the person who can/should decide if that makes it more okay, but I feel like removing these scenes is stifling discussions of anti-racism if anything. Like just put the disclaimer in front like WB and Disney or whatever

      Monday, 29-Jun-20 23:17:39 UTC in context
  4. in the mood to chase someone off the site again, quick someone say something headass

    Sunday, 28-Jun-20 23:13:09 UTC from web
    • @tiff apu wasn’t really that big of a problem

      Monday, 29-Jun-20 00:25:44 UTC in context
    • @mrmattimation I would prefer it for future reference if POC actors got to voice POC characters, especially in the current industry where they aren't getting the same treatment or opportunities as white people; but I absolutely agree that this current wave of networks removing TV episodes with instances of racism and actors conveniently regretting voicing POC roles all of a sudden is largely posturing in the absence of actual willingness to, you know, hire and support and pay POC. I also don't think it's a particularly far reach to suggest that companies are just pretending this is what activists are asking for as some sort of psyop, since it will most likely push the needle back in their favour (i.e. still not hiring, supporting and paying POC)

      Monday, 29-Jun-20 10:42:30 UTC in context
  5. Is there a name for people who are basically terfs but instead they hate gay men because they think male homosexuality is the result of misogyny? I seem to recall knowing someone like that in high school.

    Friday, 19-Jun-20 22:46:58 UTC from web
  6. Started binge-watching Community. Before I have never watched more than a few episodes.

    Thursday, 11-Jun-20 16:48:56 UTC from web
  7. Shape your watermelon. Shape the young watermelon

    Wednesday, 10-Jun-20 14:06:08 UTC from web
  8. Does anyone else find it particularly gross when for-profit corporations send messages about donating to charities or supporting a particular political opinion that doesn't have to do with their main business? It makes sense on the hiring end of course, and I get that companies are made of humans, but doing it on the public end just feels like capitalizing on people's emotions. The realty group holding my apartment made a donation to a campaign related to the protests. Why not give that money back to your leasers, or even your employees instead? They can then choose to do what they want with it.

    Friday, 05-Jun-20 10:44:41 UTC from web
  9. It's been a minute, how's everything/everyone holding up around here?

    Wednesday, 03-Jun-20 13:40:01 UTC from web
  10. I wonder what news today will bring. I'm waiting for the stress to be the one last thing for Spraytan's heart.

    Monday, 01-Jun-20 14:59:22 UTC from web
  11. And I feel like the asshole for sitting here and watching them, after first shouting, then yelling, then cursing, then fuming, then apologizing, but I swear to god I have tried to grow something for years with setback after bullbanana failure and right now these goddamned gourds are about the only thing I have going for me in my life and I swear if anything happens to them I will jump in the pool wearing ankle weights

    Saturday, 30-May-20 15:24:13 UTC from web
  12. When I was in high school I used to talk endless batcave on BLM because I was dumb and saw Ferguson on TV and, in a profound inability to recognize my own privilege, clung to the idea that the riots were a failure of the community, instead of a result of failure by society. I’m truly, truly sorry to anyone I offended with that kinda BS

    Saturday, 30-May-20 07:05:12 UTC from web
  13. also I don't wanna hear any "haha this guy is surprised to see the left eating itself" bullFluffle Puff because I want it on record that I would throw any number of neo-woke glamour progressives in front of an oncoming freight train

    Monday, 25-May-20 15:25:14 UTC from web
    • @tiff Oh, just let me organize a rant on content warnings, and how an initially good and considerate idea has turned into a mollycoddle circlejerk, and if you're so terrified of spiders that I can't say "Spider-Man" that's YOUR problem, etc etc

      Monday, 25-May-20 15:57:17 UTC in context
    • @scribus I am wholly sympathetic towards people with those sorts of predispositions but at the same time we are at (arguably past) the point where people act like the Internet should be catered towards them and their sensibilities specifically and it's to the detriment of years of societal progress

      Monday, 25-May-20 16:04:18 UTC in context
  14. there's no way around it; the minute any of my tweets gain any sort of traction I will have to delete this account so as not to get cancelled instantaneously

    Monday, 25-May-20 10:39:46 UTC from web
  15. Disney+ has a collection titled "The Simpsons Predict the Future", which includes episodes of The Simpsons in which they make jokes that later became fact. One such episode is "Bart to the Future", in which Lisa mentions "President Trump", and "The Serfsons", where they predicted the ending to Game of Thrones, and "The City of New York Vs. Homer Simpson", where... uh...

    Hey Disney, what the mango

    Monday, 27-Apr-20 06:29:58 UTC from web
  16. went through my DMs for old time's sake and damn I caused a lotta FrankerZ around here huh lol

    Monday, 20-Apr-20 20:00:33 UTC from web
  17. whoops i'm playing fallout 76 again

    Sunday, 19-Apr-20 08:09:08 UTC from web
  18. Fluffle Puff it, I'm turning the search off.

    Friday, 17-Apr-20 08:55:45 UTC from web
    • I optimized the database for the two of you. Just shows I still care~

      Thursday, 16-Apr-20 21:52:45 UTC from web
      • damn the end of bojack was rough huh

        Sunday, 12-Apr-20 21:03:32 UTC from web
      • Good morning, everypony! I hope you have a super duper luper day!! It's 2011

        Wednesday, 01-Apr-20 08:28:03 UTC from web
      • I have a pretty great immune system and viral infections don’t actually do a whole lot to me and I’m wondering if maybe I could shrink down to microscopic size and just take on the coronavirus myself, mono y mono

        Sunday, 29-Mar-20 23:31:32 UTC from web
      • Like I said - I have no reason to believe I’ve got it other than this cold, which is also going around right now. No fever, no headaches, nothing. Just congestion.

        Thursday, 19-Mar-20 19:31:33 UTC from web
        • Show all 6 replies
        • @thismightbeauser But, the Carnegie and Rockefeller and all those families, they used to do public works and stuff. They may have been hoarding the wealth, but not damn *all* of it. Their flash contest was at least servicing the greater good as a side effect of the ostentation. This new crop seems more about raw, bigly yuge numbers, and hoarding, like a dragon (or a priapism). But, again, this is all coming around to perception. . . .

          Thursday, 19-Mar-20 23:22:24 UTC in context
        • @scribus I mean, there's Bill Gates and whatnot. On the other hand you get people like this guy, who think it's an okay idea to keep making electric cars at a moderately high risk of illness to his employees with no one to buy them.

          Friday, 20-Mar-20 05:35:27 UTC in context
        • @thismightbeauser @scribus That is indeed the case, a lot of rich people have middle class cars and discrete houses and do their best to keep people from knowing how rich they are, due to the general sentiment of "wealth equals evil"
          You can't blame them really, if the mob will hate you just for managing to make good decisions and earning your family big money. I'd probably do the same if I couldn't simply relocate to a fortified compound with a minefield around it. It makes no sense to feel empathy for a group that has none for you, for whom you'll always be the bad guy regardless of what you do or don't do, that openly talks about how good it'd be if you died.

          The ones that show off are the sociopaths, politicians and entertainment industry guys, who by default are crooks as that whole industry is built on crime and debauchery.

          Saturday, 21-Mar-20 20:37:37 UTC in context
      • So, no. I do not have goddamned nginx figured out, and no, the Pleroma 2.0 launch has not made this any less goddamned infuriating.

        Sunday, 15-Mar-20 04:19:48 UTC from web
      • @mrmattimation This seems like something you might find interesting:

        Friday, 20-Mar-20 08:18:58 UTC from web
      • I'm sure you all want to know what Rainbow Dash Network is doing about Coronavirus. The answer is, much like McDonalds: "grapeing nothing".

        Wednesday, 18-Mar-20 19:23:27 UTC from web
      • !vgp Several fun games made by, give them a try

        Friday, 13-Mar-20 14:40:02 UTC from web
        • we need the Bernie Can Still Win meme now more than ever

          Wednesday, 11-Mar-20 16:10:55 UTC from web
        • That said, I keep meaning to launch a Pleroma instance for myself.... Just keep having problems with nginx.

          Thursday, 05-Mar-20 18:36:42 UTC from web
        • @scribus Carcino sends his regards

          Thursday, 05-Mar-20 05:49:32 UTC from web