princessunoriginal's home timeline


  1. I never understood why catfights are between ladies while dogfights are between aeroplanes.

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 16:39:20 UTC from web
  2. having a 3rd world gamer problem here =/

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 17:05:33 UTC from web
  3. Wait, all deleted conversation roots now default to notice/1? That's fantastic!

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 16:57:43 UTC from web
  4. Oh my god I hate you.

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 17:00:16 UTC from web
  5. @mrdragon If you're still managing a server and it uses CPanel, and you've logged a support request with them in the past 6 months, you should probably be aware of this:

    Monday, 25-Feb-13 16:47:07 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    • #

      Monday, 25-Feb-13 16:17:20 UTC from web
    • "VRISKA: 8ut considering our history together, I'm willing to let 8ygones 8e 8ygones. I'm happy to have her on my crew in whatever capacity she likes." I'm now curious as to what would happen if they fought again. Both have certain advantages, Vriska is obviously far better suited for open combat, but Aradia has time powers that could turn the balance.

      Monday, 25-Feb-13 15:51:09 UTC from web
    • If I wasn't inexplicably broke I'd buy an All is Dust solely for the name. But my goddamn car insurance took all my money.

      Monday, 25-Feb-13 15:47:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    • End of tape. Please turn to side B.

      Monday, 25-Feb-13 15:50:45 UTC from web
    • I'm grateful for this fork in my eye, sir.

      Monday, 25-Feb-13 15:53:21 UTC from web
      • Good afternoon RDN. I am having a little bit of a discussion here with someone who has 3 Boros Recruit's in play ( 1CMC red/white goblin ) and plays a "rally the righteous" card. Claiming it to make 1 of his recruits a 3/1 monster till end of turn, and the others 5/1 till end of turn. I am trying to explain that that is not how radiance works because it states "each creature that shares a color with it" and not "for each color target shares those creatures get +2/+0. To make matters more complicated, I have a Glory Seeker on my side of the field with a Guildscorn Ward ( Enchanted creature has protection from multicolored ) attached to it. I do not think my Glory Seeker gets the +2/+0 for the source of the spell ( Rally the Righteous ) is multicolored. # the rules are not really easy from time to time :/

        Monday, 25-Feb-13 15:29:29 UTC from web
      • I am now co-supervisor of the toy and cards section.

        Monday, 25-Feb-13 12:41:08 UTC from web
      • In fairness to Vriska, that /isn't/ why she's a bad person.

        Monday, 25-Feb-13 15:06:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        • MEENAH: ey its the blue buoy again! MEENAH: sea him there just off the starboard dole MEENAH: yo watch how far away i can fork him from ARANEA: Meenah, put the trident down. ARANEA: Don't make me conchfishscate it again.

          Monday, 25-Feb-13 15:03:00 UTC from web
        • I'd be interested to see, of the current round of "new" conventions, how many of them make it through to their next year.

          Monday, 25-Feb-13 14:36:23 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        • Man what happened with this Unicon thing?

          Monday, 25-Feb-13 09:34:18 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        • Has anyone had any experience with 3D movie torrents?

          Monday, 25-Feb-13 14:27:39 UTC from web
        • >Guy wins regional MtG tournament, posts deck on reddit "Did you even playtest this? Most of these cards are unplayable." Perhaps these people aren't as clever as they think they are.

          Monday, 25-Feb-13 11:24:01 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        • GET HYPED.

          Monday, 25-Feb-13 07:16:46 UTC from web Repeated by pony
        • Is this going where I think it is? I can't look it up from work for fear that it might be.

          Monday, 25-Feb-13 11:44:09 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          • Even though the chromebook pixel is totally pointless, it's the best looking not-apple computer on the market.

            Monday, 25-Feb-13 11:34:23 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          • "Do not aim at face" Yeah nice try, Nerf. This is a /shotgun/

            Monday, 25-Feb-13 10:52:17 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          • @princessunoriginal yus. Princesstastic :)

            Monday, 25-Feb-13 10:19:06 UTC from web
          • *snerk* My Public Speaking professor had us watch and analyze a few speeches for homework. One of the speeches is an informative speech on papayas-bags (who and what they are, and how not to be one), and the speaker plagiarizes a Cracked(dot)com article for pretty much his entire speech. Talk about apples-bag...

            Monday, 25-Feb-13 10:19:26 UTC from web
          • Can anyone recommend a good set of earbuds or small headphones where the cord doesn't fray or short or whatever easily?

            Monday, 25-Feb-13 09:45:29 UTC from web
          • I see @nerthos got his first ban out of the way already.

            Sunday, 24-Feb-13 14:14:39 UTC from web
          • Why are people so concerned that Sony didn't show a PS4 unit at their little press conference? Here's some shocking news for you: It's going to be a box (probably black) that you plug into a television.

            Monday, 25-Feb-13 09:09:07 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          • @ceruleanspark is a toucan, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID

            Saturday, 14-Jan-12 23:15:22 UTC from web
          • COWABUNGA

            Monday, 25-Feb-13 08:08:03 UTC from web