brian's home timeline


  1. Vi sitter här i venten o spelar lite DotA o pushar på o smeker med moståndet vi leker.

    Friday, 05-Sep-14 11:36:58 UTC from web
    • so i just started college and i'm trying to find other bronies there....anypony know how i could do that?

      Friday, 05-Sep-14 07:19:55 UTC from web at 44°41'55"N 93°12'49"W
    • Unfinished or ambitious?

      Friday, 05-Sep-14 10:33:31 UTC from web
    • This was a bad experiment! We are bad people! Why did we usher in the green apocalypse!

      Friday, 05-Sep-14 09:45:46 UTC from web
    • @northernnarwhal @ellieellie these are my worms cards

      Monday, 01-Sep-14 12:06:31 UTC from web
    • This sucks it completely sucks

      Monday, 01-Sep-14 11:21:34 UTC from web
    • North American Maligned Brony Liberation Association, or NAMBLA

      Monday, 01-Sep-14 09:25:39 UTC from web
    • I feel like a dumbass for feeling jealous for every pony ask blog that
      1) gain more followers in a shorter time than mine
      2) being popular despite having worse art quality than mine
      3) receive fan art from their followers all the time.
      I know it's stupid to feel like that. I can't control what other people do or think. The other blogs often interact with other blogs and do livestreams, which I don't do.

      Monday, 01-Sep-14 09:08:20 UTC from Choqok
    • Haruhiism is the one true religion.

      Monday, 25-Aug-14 01:46:37 UTC from web
    • God, the 80s were just so damned racist against Asians....

      Monday, 25-Aug-14 02:06:35 UTC from web
    • i dont know what math is hard, it is all about following rules to replace sybles with different symblos...

      Monday, 25-Aug-14 02:05:08 UTC from web
    • You guys are over whelming me today, I think I will ghost for now.

      Monday, 25-Aug-14 01:58:58 UTC from web

      Monday, 25-Aug-14 02:00:11 UTC from web
      • i dont hate anyone because im a new user

        Monday, 25-Aug-14 01:31:24 UTC from web
      • Everyone please pour a starbucks ice coffee on your head to raise awareness for the white girls who have lost the ability to "even"

        Monday, 25-Aug-14 01:52:57 UTC from web
      • TheeesE WOUNDS THEY will NOOOOot heAAAAAALLL

        Monday, 25-Aug-14 01:30:27 UTC from web

        Monday, 25-Aug-14 01:39:39 UTC from web

        Monday, 25-Aug-14 01:34:17 UTC from web
      • CRAAAaawling in my SkIIIIIIIN

        Monday, 25-Aug-14 01:30:06 UTC from web
        • @ellie

          Sunday, 24-Aug-14 23:41:51 UTC from web
        • look at this rad thing,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.73612305,d.aWw,pv.xjs.s.en_US.txy94ARuv8s.O&ion=1&biw=1280&bih=939&tch=1&ech=1&psi=u3f6U5C4KMKxyATHqoHoAg.1408923576117.5&ei=v3f6U_WAHs_5yQSD74DgAw&ved=0CJQBEKYrMAM

          Sunday, 24-Aug-14 23:40:50 UTC from web
        • the only cute on RDN is Tiffany I don't understand

          Sunday, 24-Aug-14 23:40:35 UTC from web
        • Just tried an eCig

          Sunday, 24-Aug-14 22:53:26 UTC from web
        • AHem... What is this "Hereditary Knowledge"? How is being your self proof enough? Does it also have to do with knowing thngs like the ending of a book? What is Evengelion like? What did Ellie mean when she said that people would evacuate the rich first? I don't think when in the hands of the grunts, they would follow the strict orders of saving JUST the rich. Is it OK to believe ones ideals Infallibel before giving them a shot? (no, But that doesn't mean it WON'T work, just, you have to try before syaing a definitive yes.) Merotocracy, it soudns weird, what does the prefix mean?

          Sunday, 24-Aug-14 22:32:08 UTC from web
        • !vgp

          Sunday, 24-Aug-14 17:50:39 UTC from web

          Saturday, 23-Aug-14 19:03:06 UTC from web
          • sorry for spamerino pls no reportachino

            Saturday, 23-Aug-14 19:02:30 UTC from web
            • MEGUUUUUCA

              Saturday, 23-Aug-14 19:00:06 UTC from web
            • too many kanjis on this game

              Saturday, 23-Aug-14 18:45:29 UTC from web
            • Sorry, Simpsons. Gotta turn you off for now.

              Saturday, 23-Aug-14 18:47:14 UTC from web