Wes's home timeline


  1. my step-dad turned on college game day, and one of the signs had !fluttershy going yay!

    Saturday, 10-Nov-12 17:57:21 UTC from web
    • !fluttershy I'm new to this thing so uhh what do y'all other ponies talk about?

      Wednesday, 31-Oct-12 16:49:35 UTC from web
    • !ndbronies Wow, other people from ND, this is neat. :P Now I know who to blame when I find all those empty blind-bag boxes!

      Monday, 08-Oct-12 11:12:10 UTC from web
      • @greydragon412 I've got !Thunderlane, !Fluttershy and !Soarin as my favourite ponies who are pegasi.

        Friday, 27-Jul-12 14:02:28 UTC from web
      • @derangedstallion I saw your profile picture at !fluttershy wanted to tell you how cool it is, plus your background pic rules too.

        Monday, 14-May-12 15:22:52 UTC from web
      • @flyingwhales welcome #!! How are you?

        Monday, 14-May-12 06:29:28 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • This is just for whatever, the most random question ever!, who's your mlp character crush lol

        Wednesday, 02-May-12 14:16:34 UTC from web
      • Was research Fluttershy's voice Actress, found out she was in dragon tales, and dragon ball Z. I love Fluttershy that much more. !fluttershy #

        Friday, 06-Apr-12 19:24:27 UTC from web
      • Yeah! !Fluttershy is the best!! She dat one best and special pony. She da best!

        Friday, 23-Mar-12 14:39:31 UTC from web
      • ~yay~ I joined the !Fluttershy group, well, I mean, if that's ok with everypony.... So..........*squeee*

        Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 20:00:38 UTC from web
      • Typed best pony into google images. First image of a pony was Fluttershy. !fluttershy is best pony.

        Thursday, 15-Mar-12 18:56:20 UTC from web
      • Ponies aren't just for girls, let this tale unfurl! !TwilightSparkle !PinkiePie, !AppleJack and !Fluttershy ! Do not be afraid, we will never fade! !RainbowDash and !Rarity. Join the herd and you will see! # #

        Thursday, 15-Mar-12 18:34:05 UTC from web
      • Hmm.. While I'm happy to see the princesses included in the new BB ponies, Luna's proportions are irritatingly wrong. On the other hand, Glow # ftw! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/03/tons-of-new-blindbags-actual-lyra.html

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 00:26:25 UTC from web
      • yo whats up party ponies! my parents blocked RDN on the computer, so im posting using kproxy. :P anyways, how is everypony today? (DID NOT WATCH !fluttershy EPISODE OR THIS WEEKS, SO DO NOT ASK.)

        Monday, 12-Mar-12 23:58:14 UTC from web
      • alright now !applejack !pinkieism !pinkiepie !fluttershy !rainbowdash !rarity !twilightfans !twilightsparkle !scootaloo !braeburn !spitfire !celestiafanclub !princesslunafans !luna !trixie !pipsqueakfans !snailsfans more soon

        Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 21:21:17 UTC from web
        • you should check out ask-fluttershy-2.tumblr.com it isn't very big or a draw blog, but she will answer your questions, that's an upside! !tumblr !fluttershy

          Monday, 05-Mar-12 04:14:00 UTC from web
          • !ndbronies any chance of a meeting in Fargo in two weeks?

            Sunday, 26-Feb-12 16:08:40 UTC from web
          • @minti antoher old one by me http://ur1.ca/8d36q

            Saturday, 25-Feb-12 00:41:13 UTC from web
          • Off to bed now, nighty night everypony <3

            Wednesday, 22-Feb-12 22:32:37 UTC from web
          • !Fluttershy pins I got ! http://ur1.ca/88wn9

            Sunday, 19-Feb-12 06:49:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            • @goodguy !fluttershy !rainbowdash pinky pie, twilight sparkle, rarity, applejack. FROM MEMORY!

              Saturday, 18-Feb-12 01:08:37 UTC from web
            • Let's sees what is gonna be next month's pic on my MLP:FiM Calendar ...... It's !Fluttershy :3 yay~ http://ur1.ca/8750c

              Thursday, 16-Feb-12 06:31:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            • !fluttershy plush at the meetup today !sfbronies http://ur1.ca/7xlun

              Sunday, 29-Jan-12 08:41:43 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            • join ALL the fanclubs! !opallovers !rarity !lunarrepublic !princesslunafans !celestiafanclub !spike !twilightfans !applejack !vinyl !octavia !fluttershy !rainbowdash !colgate !pinkieism !trekkieponies and might as well !broniesforever !derpyhoovescentral !equestriagaming !convert !haventreadit !vancouverbronies

              Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 23:59:26 UTC from web
            • But... !tree isn't a tag for !Fluttershy. Bah, can't use one of my fauvorite jokes!

              Tuesday, 24-Jan-12 21:45:43 UTC from web
              • !Fluttershy http://ur1.ca/7nc0f

                Monday, 23-Jan-12 15:09:57 UTC from web
                • Hey, theres a dedicated !Fluttershy forum at fluttershy.me - anyone checked it out? Might check it out.

                  Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 21:10:17 UTC from web
                  • You hate spam? !Spy !spy !spy !spy !spy !spy !spy !muffin !muffin !muffin !muffin !muffin !Spy !spy !spy !fluttershy !muffin !muffin !muffin !spy

                    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 22:48:15 UTC from web
                  • !fluttershy WHAT? nobody has updated the # group in 7 days? We can't have that! *throws down some fluttershy media he made yesterday* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GopRzbpGTYU&feature=relmfu

                    Friday, 30-Sep-11 22:40:39 UTC from web
                    • !fluttershy Fluttershy VS Cockatrice round 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZYBy_zLF78

                      Friday, 23-Sep-11 17:43:17 UTC from web