lightningcrash groups, page 2

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  • Hugs hugs Hugs Everywhere you could possibly imagine

    We all could use one sometime or another. :3

  • EPIC dasherz dasherz EPIC dasherz Oh Hi Yo

    For ponies and bronies

  • The Legend of Zelda fans zelda The Legend of Zelda fans Hyrule

    For all the fans of the greatest adventure franchise ever! The Legend of Zelda for life! Credit for the logo goes to Doval:

  • Maretroid - RDN fans of the adventures of Samus Aran maretroid Maretroid - RDN fans of the adventures of Samus Aran SR388 & Zebes

    The Metroid games are awesome. Er, yeah.

  • Spitfire is Best Pony spitfire Spitfire is Best Pony

    Name says it all! This group is for everyone who loves Spitfire! (You don't necessarily have to believe she is best pony, but it doesn't hurt. ^.^ )

  • No, I haven't read FO:E yet haventreadit No, I haven't read FO:E yet

    For all those ponies who are constantly faced with references to that particular fic, having to shamefully say "I haven't read it"

  • OC/Crossover Ponies ocponies OC/Crossover Ponies OCLand

    We have OCs, and we're not afraid to use them.

  • Ponies Under 21 under21 Ponies Under 21

    We are ponies under 21. Raise your juiceboxes!

  • Nintenbrony Forums nintenbronyforums Nintenbrony Forums United States

    This is a casual/hardcore gaming forum for Bronies, Exchange some friend codes/gamer tags and play a few games with some other bronies! Join for the love of video games and ponies!

  • Celestial Loyalists solarempire Celestial Loyalists Canterlot, Eq

    A page for all those who remain loyal to the Canterlot throne! 1000 years and still strong! Fight the NLR's propaganda campaign!

  • The Lurkers of RDN lurk The Lurkers of RDN RDN

    For those that aren't posting, but can't get off of RDN.

  • Steam Gamers steam Steam Gamers Anywhere

    For those of us who play games over Steam.

  • xboxbronies xboxbronies xboxbronies ottawa

    a place for bronies to share there gamer tag and form a gaming group for game night

  • Thank mrdragon for everything! thankmrdragon Thank mrdragon for everything!

    Thank mrdragon for everything. It's all because of him. RDN staying up, bronies ponying around the site, little children having a smile on their face. Everything.

  • The Applejack Fan Group applejackfans The Applejack Fan Group United States

    For pony's who are fan's of Applejack.

  • RDN's Birthday Group! rdnbirthday RDN's Birthday Group! The Internet!

    Let's rejoice in the happiness that RDN has brought each and every one of us! And let's not forget that we have so many people to thank for this, and that it's a celebration for them all as well. Mainly our great leader, Cabal, I guess.

  • Artists of Equestria artistsofequestria Artists of Equestria Equestria

    This group is an artist's group. Post your drawings, songs, sculptures, ect. Here!

  • Hug Scribble hugscribble Hug Scribble

    Hug Scribble

  • Emoticon Users Anonymous emoticonanonymous Emoticon Users Anonymous

    For emote addicts everywhere!

  • Livestreamers of RDN streamers Livestreamers of RDN

    A group for anyone who streams to promote themself.