I'm a pony who loves playing pokemon, reading, drawing, and playing tactical RPGs
San Francisco
http://www.joieart.netA (female) professional illustrator that's been a pony fan since the 1980s!
More details...These are the people whose notices pixellatedponi listens to.
I'm a pony who loves playing pokemon, reading, drawing, and playing tactical RPGs
I tend to be rather quiet and withdrawn, but once you get to know me you'll find that my humor often comes out of left field. My main interests these days are mmo's, physics, and ponies.
Just an artist and a musician who happens to love the crap out of some ponies.
A girl who likes ponies, cats and cute things
Writefiend Machine AKA Grandpa Brony
Witch From the Volcano of Gloom, 25 Years Later ~ My Friendship is Magic remake of Draggle is a unicorn with a broken horn and a cutie mark symbolizing motherhood :) I am essentially Draggle in the real world, in 2011. I'm a ditz married to a nerd. We reproduced. Five kids and I'm pregnant with number six. We'll have seven if an adoption goes in our favor. I gave FiM Draggle twelve because I want more. Among those twelve in my fanon are Snips and Snails. I'm a teaching assistant and charity volunteer and part-time graduate student (and here I used to think I was too dumb for college, ha ha ha) in addition to being a mommy, and I love love love what I do. Also I'm really weird and impulsive and get into crazy situations. You'll get used to me, hopefully.
Flying around Ponyville at Mach Speed clearing the weather. I dream to one day be a member of the Wonderbolts.
Row row row your boat Gently down the stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily Life is but a dream....
"I did in fact have you mentally categorised as 'Semi-famous-hat-guy-that-all-the-older-users-like'." ~ ceruleanspark
"In my youth I learned the truth, pure metal pure metal was the only way!" I play bass in two metal bands in northern Ca. I'm also the pony who makes the pony metal http://www.youtube.com/user/Joecoolman26
Hey there everypony. My given name is Jason, but as a proud Tran, my preferred name is Makenzie. My interests include anime, manga, video games, chatting on line, and of course FiM obsession! lately, I've been getting back into reading fan fiction.
I love my boyfriend! He is always happy and he plays video games with me. I'm giving him five stars even though he didn't warn me about how many pizzas he requires every day. It's like two pizzas.
A naughty, silly little pony.
##Trap Status## AIM: AngeltheRNAOEW Skype: gregoycantus e-mail: angel@derpymail.com
A night blue unicorn with a curly black and blue mane and a light switch cutie mark.
I live in Bulgaria. My interests include programming, drawing, music, basketball, skiing, beer and ponies. You can usually find me in the threads on /b/, though I sometimes lurk ponychan. Uhm... what else should I say...? I don't know...