I do experience working in hospital and work abroad as a DH, I also experience working in factory, garments and electronics. I work hard to help for my family.
thatonestocking subscribers
These are the people who listen to thatonestocking's notices.
minecraftgamesfreeplay Patrick Perez USA https://minecraftgamesfreeplay.com/
randomkid That really annoying kid you know New York State Rochester https://twitter.com/BrendanRoxas060
I am a Brony and a gamer. My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash and I'm a Guy. Very weird and also can be annoying.
djhedgehog isaiah smith leesburg florida https://plus.google.com/u/0/
i am 17 (when people are down i pick them up)
zempi Jeremy Reed Ohio, USA http://www.youtube.com/user/ZeZempi
I love video games, food, and rainbow dash. 8D
sierraisabrony1992 Sierra Garske
thatonesneaky That One Pony, of Canterbury House. Austin, Texas,
The Phoenix arched its long, graceful neck, letting forth a sound of pure beauty, as to make gods weep. "Mo money, mo bitches, mo problemz."
xeleanorxrigbyx xeleanorxrigbyx Tulsa http://xeleanorrigbyx.deviantart.com/
Sometimes I post here. Other times I forget. I like pones, cars and video games. https://www.twitch.tv/xeleanorxrigbyx
teradyne Terra Ezeri Arkansas http://prismdragon.wordpress.com
Dragonkin. Writer. Gamer. Lover of tech. Sometimes weird. My true self isn't on Earth, and I'll happily acknowledge that. A humanoid pet IRL, and interested in alternative lifestyles. (I try not to be NSFW here without reason.) My Master on Earth is Achiga, and my Mistress back home is my sister Lenne. Story Blog (NSFW): http://theomegawars.wordpress.com/
epiclper EpicLPer Austria http://epiclper.com
PonySFM: https://ponysfm.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/EpicLPer YouTube: http://twitter.com/EpicLPer Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/epiclper
bronyforlife Brandon Hal Kaufman
thelastgherkin Gherkin ☑️ Airstrip One http://thelastgherkin.tumblr.com/links
I love my boyfriend! He is always happy and he plays video games with me. I'm giving him five stars even though he didn't warn me about how many pizzas he requires every day. It's like two pizzas.
night12surfer Shawn Maple Equestria
Well I'm a young colt pegasus and I am determined to make a name for myself in Equestria, I love to sing and make music and write stories. I also love to fly and flying at night is the most perfectest time to fly, it is so calm and peaceful!!
baglesman Ashton Davis Texas
Am a brony looking to talk to other bronies my age. Into multiple games for computer, and I love to hang out.
techdisk Techdisk Toronto, Ontario, Caneighda, Eh? http://techdisk.tumblr.com/
I'm a nerd who likes obsolete technology. Yep. That basically covers everything. I created any background graphics you see on my profile. Yay pixel art! 3DS Friend Code: 4699-7067-0114 I am an incurable optimist. I will always try to be the happy guy around. If I act sad, it is not normal.
killer576k Bob Krudewig Marshall Texas http://roosterteeth.com/killer576k
Hiya. im 18 and I'm an Eagle Scout, a football lineman, and good with dogs or cats. so anyway... RD IS BEST PONY!!!
takutodash Mathew Radley Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Anime otaku turned bronie. :D Just another IT guy in Ottawa. :)
aki Tyler slendermane North Carolina
I love MLP FIM and not afraid to admit it. My favorite background ponies are: Lyra, Vinyl, Roseluck, Derpy, Amethyst star, and Cloudchaser. My favorite ponies out of the mane 6 are: Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight But my favorite pony of all and my waifu is Twilight =^-^= My OC is a guy I do have a girl OC but my main OC is Aki which is a guy =-.^= My birthday is October 16, I am currently 16. I love anime I mostly like underground anime I like ecchi, dramatic, action, and romantic anime. I love techno, modern rock, metal, ponytrot, dnb, dubstep, and nightcore. I am also a furry :p
applekoar Casey Gibbonz Waterloo Ontario
hi im Casey! Im 18 and live in Canada! I like ponies and drawing and videogames. (I will draw pictures for people if they give presents, but not for free(not that anyone really cares)) I'm better at anime but practicing my ponies.
robodash Alex Adkins USA Georgia
ok so my bio if you are reading this hugs i'm a girl who's friend made me watch an episode and an other ect... name is alex and heres a cookie
mushi monsutaa kaado! Brazil
" I'm a Mushi's Witness we don't celebrate birthdays or Christmas or fun " -Tiff " Don't you know mushi is offended by friendship" -Darkw00d