Notices by Coltzerino (coltz), page 5

  1. @rarity That's normally how I do char sheets

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 01:11:02 UTC from web in context
  2. @northernnarwhal For you it's free ;)

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 01:08:55 UTC from web in context
  3. @rarity What would you like to be included in the char sheet?

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 01:06:43 UTC from web in context
  4. @scriba Ouch.

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 01:02:54 UTC from web in context
  5. @rarity Neat-o

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 01:02:27 UTC from web in context
  6. @foxgopher Thanks!

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 01:02:03 UTC from web in context
  7. @rarity does that count?

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 01:01:13 UTC from web in context
  8. Tough market.

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:59:42 UTC from web in context
  9. @rarity Oh. Well I can draw something if you want. My prices are very reasonable. ;)

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:56:59 UTC from web in context
  10. @rarity no dude, it's a birD.

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:55:51 UTC from web in context
  11. I am afraid to ask but... what's a birb?

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:55:17 UTC from web in context
  12. @redenchilada 2, because UR2SLOW

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:48:55 UTC from web in context
  13. @awlyra @rarity <3

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:48:18 UTC from web in context
  14. @redenchilada Pie.

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:47:44 UTC from web in context
  15. @rarity *discretily hands business card*

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:46:30 UTC from web in context
  16. A WHILE*. It's been a while. Geez.

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:44:57 UTC from web
  17. Boy, it's been there. I partially missed this place.

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:44:28 UTC from web in context
  18. @awlyra Yeah, even I admit I've improved a bit.

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:41:53 UTC from web in context
  19. @mrmattimation thanks brah

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:41:15 UTC from web in context
  20. I'm alive and I've been drawing. A lot. This one is from the last Steven Universe episode. If you want, check all of my stuff here:

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 00:37:46 UTC from web in context

    Tuesday, 16-Jun-15 03:11:18 UTC from ban me pls Repeat of zerobolt
  22. # (language)

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 18:22:02 UTC from web in context
  23. @northernnarwhal I'll send you the best doctor I know... DOCTOR WHOOVES!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 18:17:53 UTC from web in context
  24. @northernnarwhal

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 18:16:18 UTC from web in context
  25. @northernnarwhal Good thing I'm always dead inside

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 18:15:38 UTC from web in context Repeat of tiff
  26. @mrmattimation Aren't they all leaving the fandom everyday?

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 18:15:22 UTC from web in context
  27. @tiffany It basically is Fan Service: The Episode. They didn't lie about it.

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 18:13:52 UTC from web in context
  28. @northernnarwhal I'm laughing so hard right now I'm sorry

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 18:12:26 UTC from web in context
  29. @tiffany swag

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 18:00:04 UTC from web in context
  30. A thousand headcanons may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but you will remain watching. - Larson 5:9

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 17:59:11 UTC from web