Notices by Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker), page 7

  1. Oh wow, I love it :D

    Tuesday, 08-Mar-16 20:09:43 UTC from web
  2. ... I wouldn't even know whom to root for, Jordan Klepper or Mike Yard... Also, is this an actual commercial in the USA ?

    Tuesday, 08-Mar-16 18:56:31 UTC from web
  3. @mushi That is... ehmm... roughly en-par with the same logic as that "ragequitting" in games make you more likely to [inserts image]. Not flawed, but a solid 8 on the scale of misinformedness ( it goes up till 10 )

    Sunday, 06-Mar-16 14:36:38 UTC from web in context
  4. Why does this amuse me so ? I pretty much already knew that licking strange fungus at the bottom of my sink would is healthier than going on tumblr.

    Sunday, 06-Mar-16 01:21:17 UTC from web
  5. A friend just forced me to watch ... and even though half the video is sorta filled with stuff I already knew, the other half certainly is worth listening to IMHO... Also I should look up the plans to make the XboX One Modular or something, cus that sounds weird

    Sunday, 06-Mar-16 00:17:59 UTC from web
  6. Well I know what daycare I will not be using.

    Friday, 04-Mar-16 21:16:58 UTC from web
  7. @adiwan also . I say yay to being prepared :)

    Friday, 04-Mar-16 19:36:29 UTC from web in context
  8. ... What in the name of blocky pixelation is censored over there ?

    Friday, 04-Mar-16 19:15:33 UTC from web
  9. @mushi Don't do that.

    Friday, 04-Mar-16 18:52:22 UTC from web in context
  10. It strikes me as, ehmm, odd, and perhaps a bit of ironic that most issues I am coming across today, both IRL and on the Internet ( Through this company-client skype "keep in touch" kinda thing ) can be disarmed, diffused, and/or otherwise explained by stating something I jolted down on a post-it of paper so long ago. ( Sidenote, I really love sticky-notes/post-its, they decorate my work-monitor like some sort of viewbox-flower ). It reads "So, [team A] isn't allowed to form their own oppinions and conclusions on modern social and political issues, they must all conform to and obey to whatever your particular opinion is". I have been keeping track of however many times I had to use this for someone else's reality check or prove a logic fallacy on their side. BUT, I have been counting on the same note using dot and line tally marks ( ) ... and running out of space in 63 days. Last year did not even fill up the piece of paper. I fear for a trend now :(

    Friday, 04-Mar-16 15:41:32 UTC from web in context
  11. MUHAHAHA... Linus you make me laugh

    Friday, 04-Mar-16 14:00:41 UTC from web in context

    Thursday, 03-Mar-16 13:02:48 UTC from in context Repeat of internetturtle
  13. @adiwan ... Ouch my wallet... Hmm, I think I'll stick with what I have for the meanwhile. Speaking of which, I want a wiimote and a sensorbar for emulation purposes. What is the difference between Wiimote and WiimotePlus ? And why would I ever need a Plus one ?

    Wednesday, 02-Mar-16 19:47:11 UTC from web in context
  14. Today I learned of the existance of Zootopia ( ) in the same sentence as someones furryphobia. And I do not mean "fear of furry animals". Regardless. if I can find a place that shows that thing in non bullbanana 3D and non-dubbed. I might just go see it in a cinema.

    Tuesday, 01-Mar-16 23:59:53 UTC from web in context
  15. In these 2 near identical pictures 1 was used to photoshop the mouth onto the eyes, can you tell which one ?

    Tuesday, 01-Mar-16 23:40:44 UTC from web in context
  16. @zennx

    Tuesday, 01-Mar-16 21:12:53 UTC from web in context
  17. @zennx

    Tuesday, 01-Mar-16 20:45:04 UTC from web in context
  18. @mushi Well, it is an action replay max code... soo... Here is a howto ( I have not seen it but it looks good ) ... Alternatively you may not have an Action Replay Max, so then you can't use it... Ofcourse it's pretty much baked into PCSX2 although then you need to reformat the code to RAW. I have a program for that somewhere... *starts digging*

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 23:03:47 UTC from web in context
  19. @mushi

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 22:55:44 UTC from web in context
  20. ... it is like boxing, but with swords and medieval warrior gear... Why did I not know this existed ? Who can I blame for this ?

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 22:14:41 UTC from web
  21. @nerthos I really wonder what this is from though... But yeah, maybe it is argumentum ad absurdum but I agree with this Santa.

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 20:16:14 UTC from web in context
  22. @colfax Awesome. Designing is fun. However actually making any of the stuff I jolted down ? Yeah, I do not know any electrical engineering. And since I live in Europe any design-doodle I make is pretty much non-explosive and non-lethal. As such mine are horse-pebbles when compared if you grade by awesomeness.

    Although I do have the internals for a Cybran T2 destroyer ship worked out to a level where I could probably build one if you give me a couple of million. ( ), which is probably one of my more awesome doodles.

    As I said... design doodles... I don't have a job actually designing anything other than time tables for people with autism to help them through the day.

    Monday, 29-Feb-16 12:26:43 UTC from web in context
  23. "does luke have enough wood, does the crackpipe Linus found still work, find out on the next episode of ..." *click* Give me the next episode !!! ... I should have gone to bed already come to think of it...

    Sunday, 28-Feb-16 23:21:22 UTC from web
  24. @thelastgherkin

    Sunday, 28-Feb-16 19:11:00 UTC from web in context
  25. Well... I now know for certain that using satalite-internet suffers from less 524 errors on ... I wonder what else I can do on this boat... I'm open for suggestions.

    Sunday, 28-Feb-16 12:05:38 UTC from web
  26. ... For some reason I like this a whole lot :D

    Saturday, 27-Feb-16 18:43:39 UTC from web
  27. @mushi Gonna cheat and use Wikipedia for a bit *reads*. Mud Dauber, also known as Dirt Dauber, Dirt Digger, Dirt dobber, Dirt Diver, or Mud Wasp, are well... wasps... some make a typical hive, others make some sort of construction, added picture is of an organ pipe mud dauber's nest. Which they love to build on walls, cliffs, bridges, overhangs, shelter caves... so basically anything with sufficient support, like concrete.

    Saturday, 27-Feb-16 00:50:06 UTC from web in context
  28. @mushi Bombus Atratus are the scariest looking ones there are though. Probably because they dress in all black with blue reflective wings. They are more common in brazil than all the others I've looked at sofar... someone should have made an index for where they are found, grr, but they are still a very fascinating bug, I like this book.

    Saturday, 27-Feb-16 00:27:01 UTC from web in context
  29. @mushi Oh, yes, ofcourse, durr ( I should probably go to bed soon... its 01:11 already, darn ) ... Point is in the Genus Bombus there are 5 species alone, 1 subgroup up you have 60 and they ALL look a lot like eachother to the point where behavioral patterns and thorax colourations are the main differenciating factors. Meanwhile the BumbleBee that would possibly prosper at all is this thing ( Bombus Balteatus, the golden-belted bumblebee )... Which is even furrier... dang...

    Saturday, 27-Feb-16 00:17:46 UTC from web in context
  30. @mushi Oh and then there are these things. They like me. Sadly they are becomming more and more scarce. I used to see a LOT of them around my house. ... They do tend to try and headbutt me when they wanna try and get in my hair ( back when it was longer especially ), which kinda feel like someone threw a very tiny pillow at you, and then you get swatted by their wings. They can only sting once and then they die, but I have never gotten stung by anything that can fly, not even wasps, and those are like the non pacifist weird uncles to these things, whatever they are called... "hommel ?"

    Saturday, 27-Feb-16 00:07:35 UTC from web in context