Notices by Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker), page 6

  1. I just talked to someone who said he is not looking to replace his 6 year old computer because he does not have the money, when asked what he would want if he did had the money he pointed out to a 3000 Euro ( 3400 USD with current exchange rate ) machine on the Medion Website ( ), when confronted with howmuch of a bad idea this is... Well lets just say that there is not really much reasoning possible with this person about this particular subject. "I'd rather buy a solid brandname computer and be done with it" *sigh* yeah but... this is like buying a diamond hammer for that 1 nail you need to pound, not to mention being ripped off from the get-go.

    Saturday, 02-Apr-16 23:23:40 UTC from web
  2. Has anyone seen this yet ? ... It must be awesome to work at CERN. Just look at them raving out at the end of this video

    Friday, 01-Apr-16 19:19:07 UTC from web in context
  3. @zennx Step 1 : Put it into a little infographic... Step 2 : Does it still make sense ?

    ... Oh dear, it does :o

    Thursday, 31-Mar-16 11:46:51 UTC from web in context
  4. @nerthos It's a silly game made in the olden days where CGA was still an option, Amiga had cool games, and most games were hard. . It's pretty much a game that takes the Fluffle Puff out of the royal british legion, for if you kill 1 enemy you get to the next rank and get to carry more killystuffs

    Thursday, 31-Mar-16 10:35:50 UTC from web in context
  5. @firestormdangerdash ( need new android program, this one crashes on adding attachments... Also outside of RDN "in contex" ification )

    Monday, 28-Mar-16 18:17:40 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  6. @pennyfortheguy Aww, I am watching right now and the backstory is at least in my view right now way more interesting than what I have seen from the game softar (on another tab, I am almost halfway through it, looks rather bad. Link is , it's a review by Angry Joe ) . The movie-thing takes another 10 minutes or so to DL according to Deluge.

    Friday, 25-Mar-16 15:39:58 UTC from web in context
  7. @moonman this reminds me of ( note : questionably safe for work, blood, german, military-stigmata, arguably world-culture )

    Friday, 25-Mar-16 15:35:37 UTC from web in context
  8. @nerthos ... He does the voice of that mainbeething ... Actually he kinda looks like Jerry now that I look closer.

    Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 22:25:05 UTC from web in context
  9. ... this might haunt me in my dreams tonight...

    Monday, 21-Mar-16 21:21:07 UTC from web in context
  10. @tiffany You're as slick as a salesman ? or as slick as a sponsored youtube-star ?

    Sunday, 20-Mar-16 23:04:16 UTC from web in context
  11. Well, if this thing were real I'd buy it XD

    Saturday, 19-Mar-16 11:46:18 UTC from web
  12. @nerthos I can't find a nice one within the 60-70 Euro range actually... Well I did find which is 2nd-hand and I might get it for 30 Euro ( I have to bid for it )

    Saturday, 19-Mar-16 09:40:39 UTC from web in context
  13. I really liked . But for the same reason I really disliked . ... It kinda makes me nostalgic too, I really liked the old Dante, the new Nephalim Dante is like someone took the old dante and infused him with Chris Rock or something. Which can work good for comedy, mediocre for TV-shows ( everybody hates Chris ), and absolutely terrifyingly bad for platformer hackyslashy games.

    Friday, 18-Mar-16 20:42:47 UTC from web
  14. @nerthos ??? how does any of these soundtracks with that image make any sense ?

    Friday, 18-Mar-16 19:25:23 UTC from web in context
  15. @hfaust Waaaait, does count ?

    Friday, 18-Mar-16 11:13:21 UTC from web in context
  16. @mushi I can post dead eyes too you know The only difference is that these eyes are from Nicholas Cage

    Thursday, 17-Mar-16 22:31:01 UTC from web in context
  17. ... Pretty sure that the Nostalgia Critic has just saved me my sanity, and the price of a bucket of gasoline, within the first minute.

    Tuesday, 15-Mar-16 21:10:28 UTC from web
  18. @mrmattimation Oh great, thank you for reminding me of Food Fight 2012. Here is a trailer

    Tuesday, 15-Mar-16 16:05:56 UTC from web in context
  19. I think the exposure to the internet has somewhat made me a pessimist. I just saw and I am in 2 minds about this. Yes I think that people should use their voice to stand up for gender equality. However at the same time I know what happens in youtube-comments and about way-too-much channels who slander anyone who does not agree with whatever they stand for.

    I would personally would be way happier about a campaign about "etiquette for humans, how to be well-recieved" and "diplomacy and you, how to get what you seek". Oh and throw in a "people for equality day" while you are at it.

    Sadly, I think we live in a world where exposure is more important than the message. And being kind to one-another gets thrown out in favor of possible results. *sigh*... Did I mention the internet is turning me somewhat into a pessimist ? Probably more of a realist, and the world is just too darn negative. Excuse me for ranting my rant, feel free to deposit 2 cents

    Tuesday, 15-Mar-16 15:15:25 UTC from web
  20. @hfaust Oh, yeah, forgot about that. At least my Microsoft Sidewinder actually works under Windows 7. I tried it at someone running Windows 10 and it does not work. However it did seem to work when I put it in a Steam Link running from the same computer ... Wha ?!?

    Monday, 14-Mar-16 21:46:09 UTC from web in context
  21. ... I really hope so, do you have any idea howmuch research went into that vessel ? It's criminal !

    Sunday, 13-Mar-16 20:46:52 UTC from web
  22. @mushi *laughs* Yes there are people whom I would never date either. but that thing that you said could have come directly from XD

    Sunday, 13-Mar-16 20:32:08 UTC from web in context
  23. @taknamay For some reason there is a weird subculture amongst photographers who use "banana for scale". This is another one of those weird photographer fetishes. [adds image] speaking of fetishes, I can immagine someone getting freaky with a leek, and probably even a sweet bell pepper, but I seriously hope that that broccoli and bread-based thing are for some serious midnight snacking or something

    Sunday, 13-Mar-16 12:40:13 UTC from web in context
  24. @adiwan ( warning : possible spoiler, and the whole game experience pulled out by it's dentals and put on display like a freak of nature ) ... If you can stand Yahtzee Crossaw this is an awesome vid

    Sunday, 13-Mar-16 11:47:10 UTC from web in context
  25. @tiffany I know how Steiner feels about this design

    Friday, 11-Mar-16 23:46:00 UTC from web in context
  26. @thelastgherkin I am so glad that everything has worked out great post 21 October 2015 though

    Friday, 11-Mar-16 14:47:30 UTC from web in context
  27. @scribus Yes, I roll natural 20's a lot while dreaming or daydreaming. Mostly to the point where a lot of things are de-ja-vu's to me. This image for instance, I thought it up while daydreaming, doodled it, and the next day I found it on a T-shirt in a random market stall ( market-day )... Also I never even saw a single episode of "Breaking Bad", although I guess there is a chance I picked it up somewhere without it registering consciously. Brain's are weird.

    Friday, 11-Mar-16 13:56:10 UTC from web in context
  28. First of all, it looks real apparent which empire loves war ( big surprise ) ... Also I get like a quarter of a million votes ? Dayum, what did I do to deserve over 75% of a democracy ?

    Wednesday, 09-Mar-16 22:09:54 UTC from web
  29. @nerthos Well, no, because they were the adorable enemies trying to get up close and personal with their disruptor sabers while the only problems my troops had was that protonic plasmacasters have a tendancy to explode if you hold the trigger down for too long, which tends to happen a lot when you are outnumbered 20 to 1. Also I raise you ... I did not know this existed, darn :o

    Wednesday, 09-Mar-16 22:00:13 UTC from web in context
  30. @adiwan I was mostly talking about the hardware design of the thing though, and not any of the internals, but the balance of the thing in your hands, the buttons that have a "right" feel. Unlike the Ipega "clip on" controller ( ) which make the whole ordeal both feel unbalanced and laggy to me, and sometimes even downright yanky.

    Wednesday, 09-Mar-16 16:07:55 UTC from web in context