Keaton Brown's home timeline


  1. !Twilight_Sparkle !Rainbow_Dash !Fluttershy #

    Friday, 15-Feb-13 21:54:55 UTC from web
  2. I am back!

    Sunday, 10-Feb-13 20:38:03 UTC from web
    • @#lightshipping # !Fluttershy !Pinkie_Pie

      Friday, 08-Feb-13 19:39:19 UTC from web
      • !Fluttershy @#Fluttershy

        Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:43:42 UTC from web
      • @#RD @#Fluttershy !Rainbow_Dash !Fluttershy #

        Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:37:50 UTC from web
      • # # @#lightshipping !Rainbow_Dash !Fluttershy

        Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:12:03 UTC from web
      • @#Fluttershy @#SweetieBelle !Fluttershy #

        Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 07:48:14 UTC from web
      • @#AJ @#RD @#Fluttershy @#cute !Applejack !Rainbow_Dash !Fluttershy

        Monday, 28-Jan-13 10:30:51 UTC from web
      • !bcbronies To anyone still here, who would be up for some CMC inspired bowling sometime next month?

        Thursday, 10-Jan-13 20:24:14 UTC from web
      • !vancouverbronies So I'm curious... Does anyone locally have any active involvement with this BronyCan that is meant to be "in BC" this year? As someone who has run 2500+ person conventions in the past, something just seems 'off' about this. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I would love to find out more.

        Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 02:03:44 UTC from web
        • Show all 5 replies
        • @spectrumflash !bcbronies Not to mention they went to Indiegogo just to get their funding... proving they have no money in the first place. They also already received a C&D from Hasbro for using copyrighted characters on their site. To make things worse, only 1 out of their staff actually has a source of income and most of the staff are very young. (teenage young)

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 17:02:18 UTC in context
        • @jackzhang !bcbronies That's the other thing. I have never seen a convention financed that way. Money comes from organizers taking a risk and putting their own in (often protected by a legal organization such as a LLC - at least in the US), registration fees, dealer table fees, and potentially anything the convention can produce to sell. The idea is that what you make in fees and sales should be enough to a) pay for this year's costs, b) support you for the next year and c) give you base to start on for the next year. With the way this BronyCan looks like it's going, being so secretive about where and when it is, considering it's meant to be 'in BC in 2013', I am skeptical that they will get enough memberships to keep themselves afloat for next year. Canada has a much lower population than the US, and to come into Canada from, say, mid-west to east coast, people need to organize travel plans fairly early on to get decent fares.

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 17:16:35 UTC in context
        • @spectrumflash !bcbronies It probably won't even fly this year. Their Indiegogo is the yay or nay for going ahead with the con. If they don't get to their goal, they're pretty much not doing it. They're secretive because they're figuring out as they go. Instead of pre-planning, they're doing stuff then planning. Case in point, they made the announcements about the con before they even had a solid venue or revenue source.

          Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 17:24:48 UTC in context
      • !vancouverbronies EVERYONE! BronyCan indiegogo. so GOGOGOGO! Let's make this a reality. I hope iam not a slowpoke on this.

        Monday, 24-Dec-12 23:31:26 UTC from web
      • 'Sup ponies?

        Sunday, 23-Dec-12 02:21:40 UTC from web
      • hi :3

        Sunday, 23-Dec-12 02:24:38 UTC from web
      • i wanna die

        Friday, 21-Dec-12 14:12:28 UTC from web
      • @thatonestocking Man, I really wish that one had more views with the amount of time I spent on the lipsynch, especially near the end.

        Monday, 17-Dec-12 02:04:57 UTC from web
      • hellooo!

        Sunday, 16-Dec-12 15:58:16 UTC from web
      • Good morning RDN! Now that's school is almost out for the semester I'll actually have time to come back on here and start posting regularly again :D

        Sunday, 16-Dec-12 16:10:11 UTC from web
        • Is it just me or are tuesdays worst than mondays?

          Wednesday, 12-Dec-12 03:05:09 UTC from web
        • What is the standard unit of measure for laziness

          Wednesday, 12-Dec-12 03:00:10 UTC from web
        • undoubtededly

          Wednesday, 12-Dec-12 02:57:05 UTC from web
          • @hoit21 farting under nuns?

            Wednesday, 12-Dec-12 02:42:48 UTC from web
          • Does RDN still have a gaming section? I remember there used to be a link to one at the top of the old page but I don't see it anymore

            Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 10:46:48 UTC from web
          • Well RDN seems to have changed a bit since the last time I was on

            Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 10:40:32 UTC from web
            • !Fluttershy @#Fluttershy

              Tuesday, 04-Dec-12 10:43:08 UTC from web
              • !Fluttershy @#Fluttershy @#cute

                Tuesday, 04-Dec-12 10:33:29 UTC from web
                • !Fluttershy @#Fluttershy @#cute

                  Tuesday, 04-Dec-12 10:32:54 UTC from web
                  • !vancouverbronies Uhm, not sure if i should say anything so i'll just say Hello!

                    Thursday, 29-Nov-12 09:50:07 UTC from web
                  • Urrrgh

                    Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:00:48 UTC from web
                  • I forget, on exactly what grounds does the fandom call Berry Punch a drunk?

                    Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:08:40 UTC from web
                    • @zeldatra That fact that the show also includes a character by the name of Spike who happens to have slept inside of a bunch bowl thus allowing for the excellent pun of " The punch has been Spiked." Thus implying that any drinker of punch(Berry Punch is the first one in that long list) is drinking spiked punch and will inherently be drunk.

                      Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:14:33 UTC in context
                  • What the zoobidey flip-flop-bop did you just say about me, you flippidy zoob woobity? I'll have you know I zooped and flooped to the top of my class in the zobbler wobbler, and I've rop-wop-flopped in numerous shoobidy doobidies on floppity pudding, and I have over 300 shibbidy bops. I am trained in flap-floppities and I'm the top doober in the entire shibbidy. You are nothing to zoobidy-me but just another zoobidy. I will zoop you the blop out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this floobidy Earth, mark my flibbidy flop. You think you can flop away with zoobing that doobie-woobie to me over the Interzoobies? Think again, flap-flopper. As we speak I am zipping my blopping bloop of flobbidies across the boopidy and your floopidy is being flopped right now so you better poopidy for the big zoobidy flop party, son. You're jeeber zeebered, son.

                    Thursday, 15-Nov-12 01:52:04 UTC from web