Layla Kadan's home timeline


  1. Finished drawing today and realised I still had my initial MSPaint doodle open. (It's still a work in progress)

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-16 01:00:29 UTC from web
  2. So fallout 4/deluxe is free. On xbox. Hurry up my little ponies, this is a temp error !vgp

    Thursday, 09-Jun-16 23:58:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • luigi !art

      Thursday, 09-Jun-16 21:59:17 UTC from web
      • How can I work somewhere like Studio Yotta when I've been staring at a blank canvas all day with no ideas. I can't even improve my own portfolio

        Thursday, 09-Jun-16 15:58:31 UTC from web
        • My final result for my degree is a 2:1, which is alright. It's what I figured I'd get anyway

          Thursday, 09-Jun-16 15:21:26 UTC from web
        • Finally had to resort to selling my stuff to make ends meet. Cool.

          Thursday, 09-Jun-16 10:31:14 UTC from web
          • I seriously have no idea why !RDNrefresh won't run when the script has literally the same code loaded as it had years ago. I even have a hard copy saved.

            Sunday, 22-May-16 14:41:16 UTC from web
            • Actually I'll just see if I can figure out how to install !RDNrefresh on firefox. Old tools should always be kept for they are reliable on a crisis.

              Sunday, 22-May-16 14:27:43 UTC from web
              • Holy chrome, is this real # news!? !vgp

                Tuesday, 17-May-16 17:28:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • !vgp

                Thursday, 12-May-16 01:54:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • Thank you Killer Instinct for giving me the ability to not only quote halo, but reference pony. Even if its a stretched inside joke. !vgp

                Friday, 06-May-16 04:47:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • Never underestimate the bleep bloop. !vgp

                  Wednesday, 04-May-16 20:25:10 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • I finished my film with 10 days to spare. Finally, I can die.

                    Wednesday, 27-Apr-16 21:20:20 UTC from web
                  • Humble Bundle for 3DS and WiiU eShop codes can only be redeemed in Europe and South Africa !vgp

                    Tuesday, 26-Apr-16 18:33:31 UTC from Choqok
                  • !vgp Nxt client is a sexy piece of work for Runescape. All the graphics and viewing range!

                    Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 15:20:53 UTC from web
                    • OK I give up, it's 3am and I managed to complete nearly all my animation. Good night.

                      Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 01:55:16 UTC from web
                      • Here's a pretty convincing argument against animating in Photoshop.

                        Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 01:36:04 UTC from web
                      • Literally can't watch back what I've made, preview is playing back at 10fps in Photoshop. Nice job Adobe!!

                        Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 01:20:42 UTC from web
                        • If I can get some minor edits my tutors requested done before I fall asleep, I'll be officially done with animating. Sorry to ramble on here about this because it's boring as hell, but I need to vent a little

                          Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 01:06:00 UTC from web
                        • 26 seconds of animation in one day~~~~~

                          Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 00:43:29 UTC from web
                          • Show all 11 replies
                          • @scoot Ah, I wasn't sure if there was a way to ask "are you on 1s or 2s?" without literally asking that, but I guess not. I'll keep that in mind for the future. And yeah, from what I've read even in relatively expensive animations 1s are reserved for really high energy scenes.

                            Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 00:57:11 UTC in context
                          • @narwhal I could be wrong, but I believe classic Disney was on 1s, which is why it looks so beautiful and smooth. Nobody can really afford it anymore.

                            Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 00:59:31 UTC in context
                          • @scoot I think it was a mixture of 1s and 2s, but on a frame by frame level hardly anything can really match up to those classic Disney flicks as far as animation fluidity is concerned. I know Richard Williams animated most of his work on 1s, but he's run into tons of financial and development issues over his career. 2s are really the most economical choice these days (though for lots of anime they end up being mostly on 3s due to more meticulous designs and really tight budgets).

                            Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 01:08:02 UTC in context
                        • My cat has been sniffing the edge of my tablet for a while and I'm unsure what it is he's trying to accomplish

                          Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 00:53:10 UTC from web
                        • Really ramped it out today, only 2 or 3 shots left to animate. No sleep 'til it's over.

                          Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 23:05:00 UTC from web
                        • This little callback shows how much better I am at drawing this guy now.

                          Wednesday, 20-Apr-16 00:00:28 UTC from web
                          • In related news I am not drawing anything for a little while. I am sick of drawing.

                            Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 23:43:07 UTC from web
                            • ha !vgp

                              Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 22:43:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              • Despite all my complaining earlier I managed to get 10 seconds of animation done today and am getting very close to finishing the actual animating part of the film. Shame I also need to do colouring/backgrounds/editing/sound...

                                Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 20:38:04 UTC from web
                              • Just tweened a camera move to save time, I feel dirty.

                                Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 16:30:25 UTC from web
                                • Photoshop is making my life really fun. If I use the select tool, it refuses to let me change tools for several minutes. This is the sort of feature I've always needed, thanks Adobe.

                                  Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 15:52:01 UTC from web
                                  • Drew one new frame today then felt exhausted, I hope I can actually finish in time.

                                    Tuesday, 19-Apr-16 13:12:20 UTC from web
                                    • Also my website is about as finished as it's gonna get, aside from adding my film when that's done. (

                                      Sunday, 10-Apr-16 20:48:52 UTC from web