Vicki S.'s home timeline


  1. @princesshugs you change your name?

    Friday, 17-Feb-12 23:04:32 UTC from web
  2. Licking a spoon. yummy

    Friday, 17-Feb-12 22:18:04 UTC from web
  3. hmm. !eqdaily custom compilation 46 has 15 blind bag customs. 45 has 10. 44 has 6.

    Friday, 17-Feb-12 17:35:04 UTC from web
  4. I am now in the !princess group. Does that mean I am !princess @hugs?

    Friday, 17-Feb-12 02:58:10 UTC from web
    • Let's sees what is gonna be next month's pic on my MLP:FiM Calendar ...... It's !Fluttershy :3 yay~

      Thursday, 16-Feb-12 06:31:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • @pony I decided to keep non-!anemi stuff off my pony blog and discuss things here- some topics-feel free to steal them I stole most from !eqdaily

      Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 03:31:34 UTC from web
    • @mushi why don't you get another #? !eqdaily

      Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 01:02:39 UTC from web
      • !Princess Batman.

        Monday, 06-Feb-12 10:11:47 UTC from web
        • With all this derpy backlash bullpapayas nonsense, I'm really feeling like all the fun is being sucked out of the fandom.

          Friday, 03-Feb-12 10:23:58 UTC from web
        • !fluttershy plush at the meetup today !sfbronies

          Sunday, 29-Jan-12 08:41:43 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • !centralflbronies Anyone planning on going to Anime Day Orlando this weekend?

          Thursday, 02-Feb-12 07:37:12 UTC from web
          • join ALL the fanclubs! !opallovers !rarity !lunarrepublic !princesslunafans !celestiafanclub !spike !twilightfans !applejack !vinyl !octavia !fluttershy !rainbowdash !colgate !pinkieism !trekkieponies and might as well !broniesforever !derpyhoovescentral !equestriagaming !convert !haventreadit !vancouverbronies

            Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 23:59:26 UTC from web
          • !eqdaily Not sure how aware of Us everypony was We have an excellent contest going on at and are looking for artists and vendors interested in table space for the fist Pony Con in Calgary Alberta Canada

            Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 17:25:11 UTC from web
          • But... !tree isn't a tag for !Fluttershy. Bah, can't use one of my fauvorite jokes!

            Tuesday, 24-Jan-12 21:45:43 UTC from web
            • !Fluttershy

              Monday, 23-Jan-12 15:09:57 UTC from web
              • Finished editing Vinyl Scratch Tapes Season 2 Episode 2 last night. Was put up on EqD earlier today. Kinda proud of this one :)

                Sunday, 22-Jan-12 01:01:30 UTC from web
                • @coreywwilliams All done. That was terrific =D

                  Friday, 20-Jan-12 17:42:22 UTC from web
                • @coreywwilliams "Frédéric: But, regardless of that, I still persisted. I wrote music all the time, sometimes staying up all night to do so. Whenever I thought of quitting, I thought of Harpo. How long did he work on his? How many sleepless nights had he had? I wanted to think he slaved as hard as I did ... but my greatest fewar was that it all came easy to him. What if it came easy to all those with talent? I didn’t know, I was just a child ... I was afraid that I was working so hard for something I could not achieve ... and that I was nothing but a fool. But I was more afraid of quitting." 'Fewar' isn't a word; fear is =P

                  Friday, 20-Jan-12 17:31:22 UTC from web
                • what's up?

                  Friday, 20-Jan-12 17:11:58 UTC from web
                • @coreywwilliams DJ-P0n3: "Hurray, that means I win by default! But anyway, I figure since I’ve been helping the ensemble more, I figure it’s appropriate we have a proper interview with the other members of Octavia’s quartet. Trust me, with all of our powers combined, we’re gonna be big. Bigger than cheesy pizza crust! Let’s bring them!" Feels like there should be an 'in' at the end of the last sentence (Let's bring them in)

                  Friday, 20-Jan-12 17:10:58 UTC from web
                • @coreywwilliams "DJ-P0n3: Yes exactly, that’s how it works!" I feel that 'Yes, that's exactly how it works!' might sound better

                  Friday, 20-Jan-12 17:12:51 UTC from web
                • If anyone here happens to read the fic, the Vinyl Scratch Tapes, I need some beta readers for the latest chapter. If anyone has time to read it and say what you think, it'd help me out a lot :)

                  Friday, 20-Jan-12 16:48:57 UTC from web
                • Hey, theres a dedicated !Fluttershy forum at - anyone checked it out? Might check it out.

                  Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 21:10:17 UTC from web
                  • So I thought, "What the crap? It's a pretty specific show-related toy for Hasbro!" Then I took it off the shelf and saw a butterfly winged Rainbow Dash behind her. # !ponytoycollectors

                    Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 08:32:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid

                    Sunday, 25-Dec-11 02:03:07 UTC from web
                  • I haven't been on here in ages...but I wanted everypony here to see this.

                    Sunday, 25-Dec-11 02:03:04 UTC from web
                    • I am in a real bad place these days. I had a job for about a week. Then I lost it. Then I found out that I may lose the house in February or later, depending on how long foreclosure proceedings take. And my phone broke so I'm waiting for a replacement that's going to cost a hundred bucks I don't have. On the plus side, I'll be visiting family in Houston for two weeks.

                      Sunday, 18-Dec-11 23:11:33 UTC from web
                    • Got featured alongside other remixes on !eqdaily. #

                      Thursday, 15-Dec-11 16:47:44 UTC from web
                    • !centralflbronies @colfax its an anime convention and I wasn't planning on going until I noticed that they have an MLP pony party event planned

                      Wednesday, 14-Dec-11 17:27:47 UTC from web