Matthew's home timeline


  1. I wonder how Steam on Linux is coming along? !vgp

    Wednesday, 17-Dec-14 16:10:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Harvesting snow for an Xmas party on !Minecraft because #

      Saturday, 13-Dec-14 04:49:06 UTC from web
      • Hey Sybria is on Xbox Arcade. I remember playing that ol steam punk none horror silent hill type game. !vgp

        Tuesday, 09-Dec-14 05:13:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • I built a water slide! !minecraft

          Tuesday, 09-Dec-14 03:43:47 UTC from web
        • Aww, hell; !Minecraft ate my sleep schedule. I'll catch some portion of you later!

          Monday, 08-Dec-14 08:23:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • !Minecraft hottub in a bikini.

          Sunday, 07-Dec-14 12:16:50 UTC from web
          • Me pokes

            Tuesday, 02-Dec-14 19:07:37 UTC from web
            • I was so ready for Halo Collection, I wasnt prepared for IT to be ready for me!

              Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 04:13:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • I don't know if that affects a lot of people here but US citizens who own a PS Vita get a refund because of false advertising !vgp

              Tuesday, 25-Nov-14 22:26:10 UTC from Choqok
            • I am the best at !minecraft

              Sunday, 16-Nov-14 02:09:41 UTC from web
              • I have no idea how this !minecraft server's online auto map works, but I think I'm filling in parts of it?

                Wednesday, 12-Nov-14 03:36:41 UTC from web
              • ??? !minecraft

                Tuesday, 11-Nov-14 19:41:08 UTC from web
              • I think I may be accidentally RPing a lunatic. !minecraft

                Tuesday, 11-Nov-14 19:25:10 UTC from web
                • Man, how the hell am I supposed to *not* consume the bottle of Zombie Virus that's specifically labeled "WARNING! DO NOT CONSUME!"? !minecraft

                  Tuesday, 11-Nov-14 17:45:34 UTC from web
                  • My sheeps are so durn colorful~ !minecraft

                    Monday, 10-Nov-14 03:42:09 UTC from web
                  • How did I miss this for so long!?

                    Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 16:21:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • I want a world generation in !Minecraft where you can choose a "primary" biome like "Desert, Large" and tick off other available biomes to generate, so it's almost entirely one thing, but with little pockets of other potential things thrown in there.

                    Tuesday, 04-Nov-14 18:49:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • Well, looks like a !Minecraft world of 100% desert is pretty nearly impossible to survive in the long term.

                    Tuesday, 04-Nov-14 04:28:08 UTC from web
                  • "Top 5 - Games that defined this generation" No wonder I haven't been excited about gaming in general since the N64 days. !vgp

                    Sunday, 26-Oct-14 23:39:49 UTC from web
                    • Cloud Kicker repeated this.
                    • @scriboos I agree... Also when I think of "Generation defining things" I think of things that are probably remembered some generations over. Is the Wii going to be remembered for things like Wii Sports and it's crazy WiiMote antics ? The answer, very well likely. Is minecraft ? Hells no, since it is not bound to a generation by any stretch of the immagination. Will heavily story driven games, or games with a really special "newish" attribute ( GoW and Mass Effect ) be remembered across generations ? Probably not. And finally cash-cows like Call of Duty ? Heck no, it's going to be milked to death and then everyone is going to remember it like a nasty cold sore, especially if they keep making them near annually. The biggest first games that have something innovating that works really well will be remembered in my eyes. So I have high hopes for the Occulus Rift for instance, I need something "fresh" before something like a videogame is going to get me real exited ever again methinks !vgp

                      Tuesday, 28-Oct-14 10:31:48 UTC in context

                    Sunday, 26-Oct-14 23:51:17 UTC from web
                  • I feel suicidal today, lets play FTL !vgp

                    Friday, 17-Oct-14 17:26:11 UTC from web
                    • I just finished Sleeping Dogs ( again ) ( right in time before bed TBH ) but this time I noticed something odd. Why didn't some people get proper burials ? I mean, I avenged his death. But you'd think he'd at least get a ceremonial burrial and a proper headstone ( Talking about Winston Chu, and Peggy Li in a lesser degree ) !vgp

                      Thursday, 16-Oct-14 22:29:25 UTC from web
                      • "Plants vs. Zombies" is officially not that great. !vgp

                        Tuesday, 14-Oct-14 01:57:03 UTC from web
                        • I discovered flint & steel in !Minecraft and proceeded to burn an entire village to the ground. #

                          Friday, 10-Oct-14 01:17:35 UTC from web
                        • The homophobes have suffered another setback in the USA:



                          Tuesday, 07-Oct-14 06:15:30 UTC from web
                        • @vt3c Did I tell you I got into the !Minecraft server? Because I did.

                          Saturday, 04-Oct-14 20:19:41 UTC from web
                          • !cats !vgp

                            Sunday, 28-Sep-14 01:10:16 UTC from web
                            • Today was my last day working in the horrible block-programming language that is Scratch. On Tuesday I'll be starting in Java. !coderponies

                              Saturday, 27-Sep-14 01:34:58 UTC from web
                            • HA! I just egged a zombie in !Minecraft! #

                              Friday, 26-Sep-14 02:39:27 UTC from web
                              • I am a really bad !Minecraft shepherd.

                                Monday, 22-Sep-14 00:43:16 UTC from web