rainbowcrash713's home timeline


  1. >tfw not in the 90s living in the midwest

    Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:17:29 UTC from web
  2. brb watering beard

    Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:05:29 UTC from web
  3. I am on Trampoline, I am watchin sky, it is very fun!

    Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:15:53 UTC from web
  4. I never knew broach had so many definitions. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/broach

    Wednesday, 13-Aug-14 02:20:19 UTC from web
    • !utahbronies I wanna go to this con in Denver, but i'm going to need to carpool and split a hotel if I do. http://rotlcon.com/

      Monday, 11-Aug-14 23:55:57 UTC from web
    • # Awesome open server weekend.

      Monday, 11-Aug-14 16:13:30 UTC from web
      • !utahbronies Awesome con!

        Monday, 11-Aug-14 16:12:48 UTC from web
        • "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

          Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
        • @vt3c I'm a fan of Pho. I should go get some from the local place.
          Right now I'm eating food from a spray can.

          Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 19:22:56 UTC from web
          • Something tell me there are less members here than last time I was on.

            Tuesday, 05-Aug-14 18:56:46 UTC from web
          • Yes, mistress. http://santagiera.deviantart.com/art/Let-it-BURN-472788105 !Celestia !bestpony

            Sunday, 03-Aug-14 23:00:49 UTC from web
          • BronyCon swag! Detail shots here: http://pny.lv/3kae http://pny.lv/3kaf

            Sunday, 03-Aug-14 22:28:53 UTC from web
          • ───────────────███───────────────

            Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 05:20:05 UTC from web
          • Holey rusted metal, Batman!

            Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 13:28:06 UTC from web
          • Now I wanna see the picture.

            Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 13:19:21 UTC from web
          • Hehe, Shining armor is looking at Fluttershy's butt http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/771641

            Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 13:05:09 UTC from web
          • I just ate 4 McDonalds breakfast burritos and now I'm full of shame. And burritos.

            Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 12:32:59 UTC from web
            ......|___________________, ,
            ....../ ..---_______----_|]=D~~~~~~~~
            .....), ---.((_) /
            ....// (..) ), ----"
            WE TRUE HOMIES
            WE RIDE TOGETHER
            WE DIE TOGETHER
            send this GUN to everyone you care about including me if you care.
            C how many times you get this, if you get a 13 your A TRUE HOMIE

            Wednesday, 30-Jul-14 02:02:10 UTC from web
          • hello

            Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 21:34:07 UTC from web
          • I'm up to 15 sources for my latest chapter. It's been an intriguing research-filled week.

            Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 21:11:56 UTC from web
          • I'll open Pandora's box. I'll make a Post with Fluttershy to get rid of the Fluttershy questions rotting in my ask box since the beginning of the creation of my ask blog.

            Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 20:38:00 UTC from Choqok
          • I haven't been on here in 5 months. How ya'll doing?

            Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 21:05:46 UTC from web
          • https://derpibooru.org/424264?scope=scpea06c10abf23bb9a3e54ac525ce6c1fe419b23912

            Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 06:33:53 UTC from web
          • I'mma go cover up and go play some pony CCG.

            Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 00:27:36 UTC from web
            • I love you guys.

              Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 00:23:31 UTC from web
            • That's probably enough ASCII art chaps

              Tuesday, 29-Jul-14 00:15:55 UTC from web
            • @randomwonderbolt You're too young to be so cultured.

              Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:30:19 UTC from web
            • oh my god this is so stupid http://store.krazystraws.com/merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=KS&Product_Code=BK620-IS&Attributes=Yes&Quantity=1

              Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:26:01 UTC from web
            • @ellie Yeah, there are over 20 comic cons in the U.S. and many internationally as well.

              Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:28:12 UTC from web
            • I live! I LIVE! Mwahahahaha *cackles evilly*

              Monday, 28-Jul-14 23:01:01 UTC from the Death Egg